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Its technically the first day of freshers in Sheffield and all I've seen so far are some random people holding maps looking lost and a bunch of people wearing pink hanging outside the IC. I've yet to be annoyed by one yet (a fresher that is) although I'm sure it will soon kick off. Living in a place like I am really brings home the serenity of not being a fresher anymore. I feel so... adult. For a less of a word.

I also can't get this awful joke out of my head since I told my friend it on MSN this afternoon...

- I am watching the Israeli version of Diff'rent Strokes at the minute.
- Oh yeah?
- What Jew talkin' about Willis?

*cue 10 seconds of silence*

- yeah, so as I was saying...

Also what ever happened to the second 'e' in the show Diff'rent Strokes? Was it molested by a bike shop salesman or squandered like Gary Coleman's cash? I guess we'll never know! Man, I really need a girlfriend with this sense of humour and boredom on a Saturday night. Yaaaarrrgggh! My parents are coming up tomorrow and are bringing the rest of my things. It will start to feel like home again (maybe - not until I get my plant and some posters in my room though.)

Diff'rent Strokes in Japan was actually called Arnold bouya wa ninkimono. Arnold the popular boy? There's a little gem for all you J-freaks out there.