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I stopped reading after the first few sentences... I really lament what will happen if I ever do my masters degree.

Dear All,

My name is XXXX; I am a post graduate student in the Department of
Information Studies at The University of Sheffield. I am doing my dissertation
project under supervision of Dr. XXXXX. I am interested in finding out
people's normal photo management practices and importance of location in these

I am writing to you to ask you to complete my questionnaire. It will take about
10-15 minutes and contains questions about your normal photo management

I would be extremely grateful if you could take the time out from your busy
schedules to do this.The research has been granted ethical approval from the
department and all information that you provide will be strictly confidential.
If you need more information about my dissertation please find the attached
Information Sheet. Should you encounter any problems or have any queries please
do not hesitate to contact me.


Information sheet

(1) Research Project Title:

Investigating use of GPS logs in people's photo management practices.

You're being invited to take part in a research project. Before you decide it
is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it
will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and
discuss it with others if you wish. Email me if there is anything that is not
clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not
you wish to take part. Thank you for reading this.

(2) What is the purpose of the project?

Managing personal information is being researched for many years. Various tools
have also been developed for the same. Managing personal photographs is one of
the main areas of research. With the emergence of digital cameras, it is now
very easy and affordable to take photographs of almost every event in life and
store them. These photos are often enjoyed by sharing them, story-telling about
the events occurred at specific time and place. GPS track logs collected along
with the photographs and other personal audio-visual multimedia can provide the
context such as location and time. This research is mainly focused on
investigating the use of location logs (which could be generated using GPS
devices) in people?s photo management activities.

The purpose of this study is to understand the use of digital trails generated
by GPS track logs in re-telling the trips for the domestic users. The project
would investigate people?s normal photograph management practices and use of
contextual information such as location and date time of the photograph in
these activities. The project also aims to identify issues regarding existing
technology and tools and to provide suggestions to improve the same on the
basis of user experiences.

(3) Why have I been chosen?

If we are to better understand the use of new technology, we need to what are
the people's habits and how could the technology be used to improve them. So
your contribution matters a lot.

(4) Do I have to take part?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take
part you will be given this information sheet to keep and you can still withdraw
at any time without it affecting any benefits that you are entitled to
in any way. You do not have to give a reason.

(5) What will happen to me if I take part?

You just need to fill the questionnaire. It will take around 10 -15 minutes to

(6) What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?


(7) What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the
project, it is hoped that the outcome of this study would identify limitations
of existing technology and would provide suggestion to improve the same which
in turn simulate future research on the topic.

(8) Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?

All the information that we collect about you during the course of the research
will be kept strictly confidential. You will not be able to be identified in
any reports or publications.

(9) What will happen to the results of the research project?

The results of the research will be published in my dissertation.

(10) Who has ethically reviewed the project?

This project has been ethically approved via Information Studies Department
ethics review procedure. The University?s Research Ethics Committee monitors
the application and delivery of the University?s Ethics Review Procedure across
the University.
Don't get me wrong, I love the postgrads. I deleted the names in case I get sued or something.