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I haven't taken many pictures recently so here's one of my giant belly;

キモイ!However after going on the scales, it seems I've lost a kilo in a week!

This is quite a feat considering I've done nothing but arse about all week. Although my diet has changed considerably and I'm definitely not eating as much as I used, maybe thanks in part to sitting on my arse all day. I still need to lose a hell of a lot more weight however. Maybe another 15 kilos. Its very possible and an obtainable target before Christmas at the very least.

In other news, I have to learn 850 verbs before the start of term and make sure I clean my room because everything is not where it is supposed to be and it looks a mess. To prove how hard we work at Sheffield here are the first year kanji. Sadly, my brain can't remember any of them now - so its off the gym and library on Monday and I don't care if I don't feel up to it.

I don't know what's worse. A picture of those kanji or my hairy beer belly (or should that be whiskey belly?) This blog should carry a governmental health warning. Well to ligthen the mood here are some photos that I found of the first night I met Tomo and we went back to my Chinese friend's flat. In the end we left at 4am after rice and green-tea. It was taken in January iirc...