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I seemed to have stumbled on this link whilst looking for Japanese related stuff.

Amazing. It gives a nice overview of the hell I have to go through. At Sheffield we started with around 60 and thus we expect an average of 15 to return based on previous results. Needless to say I am bricking it, a small portion of me is fearful, the other is spurring me on to prove myself. I am totally committed to this thing, but you just can't help questioning your own sanity sometimes.

Leeds also have a seemingly brutal dropout rates. And its these dropout rates which is concerning the government as less and less people are both considering doing degrees in Japanese and more importantly completing them.

I am now deprived of sleep, and need to crack on with these verbs (I am temped to leave the 600 or so and focus on the more important ones) and of course, the dreaded な adjectives (which I've done about 75% of so far.) Oh shit. I forgot about those kanji compounds as well.

Oh Japanese you foul mistress you! The only thing motivating me now to learn such an obscene amount of stuff in the remaining 6 weeks I have, is that I do not wish to fall behind and want to gain a head start over the rest when I get back. My brain is forgetting all kinds of crap now. Like how does this form end, and how do you form causative passive etc (させられた?) what are the nuances to remember, what is the Japanese word for spinach? Arggggh! My head is going to explode.

Thankfully, my chats with Japanese people over the web is keeping my need to remember Japanese primed and ready. Perhaps, I am using it everyday now - which can only be a good thing. But, like I say I am learning more than I need to know and am even attempting some complex stuff that will piss sensei off...