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My computer is now literally dying. It is slowing down and yesterday I woke up to find that Skype wasn't working properly. For some reason it shows my friends are online but they are actually offline. As a result I was trying to contact my *ahem* friend who happens to be a girl and no response. Odd. Even the little test call thing was showing itself to be offline. New account later, and she still hasn't added me. Oh bollocks. That's all I need. Still, she only uses it on an evening and is probably busy studying - so its okay I guess.

To make matters worse, Firefox has also gone for a burden - running incredibly slow and screwing around with the BBC football site making all the fonts tiny. Its the only site I regularly read and possibly because I read it directly from the xml feed at the top of the browser it has decided to start screwing around.

As for studying. I'm starting to panic now. I have some coping strategies to deal with the exam and have planned how I will approach it - but its the actual content, the Japanese itself I'm having trouble with. If I'm not forgetting grammar, I'm forgetting kanji or basic words. *ugh* I also haven't done any listening, which is why I'm now running some Japanese radio whilst adding stuff to the one useful thing I've found this week, anki.

Oh anki is great. Its basically a flash-card programme and you can put anything, literally anything on it. I've already put on this years kanji compounds and am now going to add some facts about minorities in Japan. Brilliant!

Well I would do a 'this week' thing at the bottom of my weekly update, but you all know what I'm doing this week. Panicing like mad!

Jaa ne.