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Turns out the forms weren't good enough. I have to get up early tomorrow, bike all the way to town, shout at my bank and then send the new forms off. If they don't write me a good enough letter, heaven knows what that is - then I just won't bother anymore. I can't be arsed. Japan is such an annoying country - full of annoying little things that grate you. I'm not even there yet and I'm still cheesed off with the entire process. I have decided indefinitely to shun any responsibility to my university here in the UK next year. Quite frankly, I don't care anymore.

Right now, I very much am not into the idea of doing a year abroad in Japan. I want to go to Japan. But an entire year out there, with no money and wasting a year where I could be doing my degree here in the UK - just seems rather pointless. Perhaps all this will change - but one thing is for certain, I am not the same person when I started this degree. And more to the point, I am a not enthusiastic about going to Japan as I once was. Sorry, I am not enthusiastic about going as an exchange student.

The whole thing seems rather turgid and stale.

I'm going back to Sheffield this weekend - as I've grown tired of the things around me here - and I'm getting no work done whatsoever.