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Its been a while since I blogged about my year abroad in Japan (some 6 to 7 weeks away I reckon.)

To show how completely unprepared I am, here's how Project Year Abroad Japan stands at the moment.

Certificate of Eligibitly? Nope.
Student Visa? Nope
Plane tickets? Nope
Accommodation in Japan sorted? Nope
Travel Insurance? Nope
Shipping costs evaluated? Nope
Extra Japanese studying done? Nope

So there we go, I've done nothing so far to contribute to the Year Abroad. Quite frankly, I can't be arsed booking plane tickets and possible hostels at the minute. As I've said over and over again it just seems like one big pain in the logistical arse.

If things do go to plane and I can be bothered then I will possibly fly out on either the 6th or 13th of September. Hopefully the CoE will arrive tomorrow, meaning I have to get up early. I'm still a bit annoyed at the uni I'm going to. I still haven't had explicit info on when we can arrive in Japan (thankfully the girl I'm going with had the hindsight to ask and has now booked her plane tickets.) I also don't know where I'm going to be living next year. Its all quite frustrating giving the fact it takes 5 working days to send documents to and from Japan. Time is not our side. Admittedly they only have a few international students, but that doesn't mean they can leave us in the lurch like this.

Anyways, I'll reserve criticism and/or judgement until I get there. It still hasn't sunk in yet. I haven't made any plans whatsoever. I honestly don't know what I want to do or see. This is partly due to the entire experience waining somewhat since the two years I started this course. yawnage. I just want to eat some good ramen again, you know?