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The word せい means act, doing or deed but in the below context it means 'fault' or 'cause'. The usage is entirely subjective and refers to the speaker's opinion about the cause or fault of something or someone. For example;

I was unable to watch the football match, because I took my girlfriend out to the shopping centre.

I am unwell this morning because I ate too much last night.

Generally the indication is nearly always negative. Offering an explanation for a negative occurrence.


If we understand the meaning of もちろん to mean 'of course', we can understand this grammar point. For example;

If we talk about Japanese food, there is of course sushi, as well as yakitori, yakisoba and tofu.

The はもちろん starts the sentence with something expected by the reader or listener as a given example, either through context of something or something which symbolises the topic overall. To use it effectively, the first example should be something easily aware to the audience and then the use of Nも to describe other such things.


きっかけ can be generally translated as the 'trigger' or 'impetus' for a desired action or feeling. きっかけ is a noun.

The reason (trigger) that I am studying Japanese is that I went to Japan and it was a pleasant experience.


When you began beginner Japanese all those many moons ago, you remembered ながら as something symbolising 'whilst doing something'. The meaning here is roughly the same and carries the same nuance in English.

Whilst England is a small country, there are various beautiful places and historic churches.

The grammar is sort of similar to expressing the same thing as でも、のに、けど etc but it appears to be more of a fancy way of constructing things. The も is often included in written speech rather than spoken. I think the usage is the same in English and is perhaps a slightly formalised way of saying things. Anyway its good to know.


Simply, 'thanks to' or 'owing to'... Again, like きっかけ it is treat as a noun. For example,

Thanks to the support of my friends, I quit drinking alcohol.


A useful adverb and probably more helpful when you see it in kanji = 元々. This means 'originally' or 'starting from'

Originally, I was studying Chinese at university but, thanks to watching anime programmes everyday, I steadily became an otaku and decided to study Japanese.