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Okay, the funny thing.

And it involves, me, another guy and a Japanese girl.

I kinda know the guy in question, although I've spoken to him once or twice. He's kinda very shy (maybe that's not the right word) but I think it kinda is, so let's go with that. Last year, he befriended a girl I liked (the girl was Japanese - that's important, so pay attention.)

In the end, I don't think he spoke to her again and in the end neither did I. I cut my losses and moved on. Nice girl, and tbh we have a pure academic relationship through e-mail now. Which is kinda good for my Japanese and knowledge of English Literature and environmental, eco-friendly legislature in Japan. Hopefully she'll send me some stuff, but I doubt it.

Anyways, I saw him at the Japan Society event thing, chatting to some girl (who is of course Japanese.) Me being the curious devil, sense an unusual pattern forming. Now of course, the writer in question here makes no illusion of his love for all things Japanese. Its not as if I would only date nihonjin, its more that I prefer the company of Japanese people sometimes. Well, this guy starts chatting to her, but is suddenly surpassed by the all-conquering, completely new sense of confident englishman who strolls around after meeting some people and starts saying hello and being the affable bastard. What I found most endearing was the element of surprise and copy. "Holy shit. This guy is confident. I'm screwed." Whats more amusing was that I could swear he was trying to mimick my friendly banter and mannerism. Oh bastard! There is only one me. I am unique. You can't copy me!

Before I came to Sheffield, I studied a lot about psychology and could read, quite easily I might add, this guy was very uncomfortably in social environments. He sorta looked very uneasy when I started chatting so freely and comfortably to these two (or was it three) girls whom I had just met.

Nah, tbh - I am reading too much into this. In fairness, this guy doesn't stand a chance with this girl for a few reasons;

1. He's not confident enough. Japanese girls want a confident guy. They don't want to date someone who is essentially Japanese and treats them no differently. Shy guys aren't as romantic or endearing I would argue. Do really shy guys embody everything that is stereotypical of Japanese girls perceptions of westerners?
2. He don't speak Japanese. Communication is a necessity for all relationships everyone.
3. The girl in question, whom I know again through a mutual friend at her university in Japan, has a boyfriend. Oops.

Ah well, life goes on. It could genuinely be something quite sweet and merely just friendship. We'll see. But I thought given what happened last year, things like this are very unusual. I'm so happy I ended up speaking to so many random people on Wednesday. As my friend says, if you get in early, you'll become their friend quicker and relationships are more likely to be formed in the first few weeks than later on, when they are essentially closed groups.

Fwiw, I'm playing my cards close to my chest this year. We'll see how things work out. I'm sure if I put in a repeat performance of Wednesday, I'll be alright I guess.