Recently I keep getting asked or often yelled at people "Why do you hate Japan", normally after that a "OMG" is added. These people often have no chin and tend to have no soul or sense of humour as well.
Now whilst I do enjoy a good ol' rant against Japan and Japanese related things now and again, I never said I hated Japan - so that's a clear illusion. I mean why spent all those ten minutes of life creating a blog with the word Japan in the title and rag on Japan, unless I was some sort of Chinese historical revisionist site.
To lighten the mood a bit against my previous no-holds bar rant against something Japan related here's why I actually like Japan and Japanese and why I am spending so much of my life doing what I do (even though it kills me somedays.)
1. Japan is actually quite a nice country. yes it has its bad-points but its one of the more advanced nations on the planet and is theoretically westernised. Its got a great eco-system and has nice weather compared to the UK.
2. Japanese people are very patient towards people like me who stumble around the language and culture despite a greta urge to learn more from it. They respond deeply to the inner souls and harmony of the group in Japan and have deeper respect other people because of it - unlike the UK with tends to shit over everyone else for the sake one big-headed twat. They do customer service as an art-form.
3. The language fascinates me. I find the language perplexing difficult and somedays I wish God hadn't invented keigo or kanji - but on somedays I just find myself wanting to learn new kanji and vocab and really start learning new stuff about the language, i find delving into the roots and backgrounds of words utterly fascinating.
4. The culture and history fascinates me. Japan is an enigma. One giant question mark that makes us want to keep asking questions. We never find the answers of course, but that's not the point. Its seeing the cultural and social idiosynracries work that makes you want to know more, but without ever the desire to completely understand it.
5. Japan offers me a future. Or at least a gateway to a wider world. It has offered me a large social life, both here and in Japan, it has increased my job-prospects and given me a much wider view of the world. by appreciating Japan, I can appreictae myself more.
6. Japan is the home of the zany, cool and the future of the world's technolgical advancements. Its home of the PS3, the Sony, the Panasonics of the world. Its leading the way foward with robotics and is a home for the world of tomorrow. To be a part of the technoligical future is exciting.
7. Japanese people are awesome. Yes the girls are cute and the guys are laidback crazy but you won't find any more insane people in the world. They are diverse mix of rock-dudes, fashion chicks, smart guys and gals and the absolute originals in this world. In short, they are really friendly and nice people.

8. The public transport system kicks arse! Its nearly always on time, and the trains go everywhere and anywhere. Well compared to the UK, its actually decent!
9. The food is the best in the world. Katsudon? Sushi? Ramen? Udon?
10. Japan, despite its flaws and everything else is still something so far from home. It is my academic love and my social interest and bond. And that is why I love it.
For everything I moan about Japan, there is just enough that keeps me wanting more. there are far too many things I could list about Japan that I really like. I never got the whole 'hate' thing though. Sure I can rant, but that's not hate, that's vicious scorn. Hating is like hating a child, you sure as hell can't say you favour it over your other children and you love it in equal measure as everything else. Its all about balance in my life, a balance that Japan is apart of; not simply a formation of.
I ♥ 日本
PS: there is not bit of sarcasm in this post.
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