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I'm typing this message at the minute and feeling like utter shite. My throat is red raw, my sinuses feel all blocked up, my lungs feel tired and my joints are swelling. Its fair to say I'm under the weather.

This is all magnified by the horrors of Swine Flu that is hanging around the world at the minute. If indeed, I am one person in a million to have contracted it, perhaps I should feel slightly lucky that I have been bestowed as one of the first thousand odd sufferers in the UK.

In all honesty, I think I have contracted what my Japanese flatmate had last week and its only just kicked in. The most annoying thing is, is that I'm trying to hit the gym three times a week and study Japanese at the library and this goddamn cold/flu/virus whatever is preventing me from keeping to my schedule. It might be God's way of telling me that I should be overweight and not be studying Japanese during my 'time off'. Well whichever way theologians and philosophers wish to mewl about it, I feel like absolute crap right now. I hope to this comedian up in the sky that it clears up soon. Thank God, I'm not feeling like this two months down the line, otherwise it may be quarantine in Narita airport time.