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OVER! (^^)

Exams done. Finished. Owatta.

I'm just so glad to have done them. My final exam was yesterday at Goodwin Sports centre, located in possibly the most spectacular scenery of all of central Sheffield. How, I could have just done sitting on the lake instead of being cooked up inside for 3 hours.

Basically, I'm sure I'm passed the exam - but I don't think the grade is going to be very good. Right now, I just don't give two shits. Its all about passing. Next year is where the practical skills are acquired. However it could have all been so different.

The moment I opened the page I just shat myself. I sat there thinking 'this is impossible', 'I can't do this' - it was like having a severe crisis of confidence where I was unable to think or write. I think i was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of text we had to translate into English. Thankfully, once I got going and skimmed over the first few bits of my translation - I found it okay. I spent more time on my failed section of last semester, but still feel it wasn't enough - there was a ton of stuff I thought I understood by maybe wrote a little bit too vague on the some of the answers. I also felt my summary headline was a little vague - but DID encapsulate what I believe the article was about (the increase and decrease/ push pull factor of migration from the rural to the urban environments as a result of depopulation. *gasp*) The last section was a piece of piss. A sakubun (i.e. written composition in Japanese) about the declining rate of marriage in the UK. Again, I almost fucked this bit up after forgetting to put a title on it! (This constitutes some of the marks!) I got the statistics in, I analysed the graph from this data and then I offered my opinion on the matter (which I felt was the best part - basically that married couples may indeed become a thing of the past.)

Anyways, I will be outright gutted if I fail that. Really I would. I understood maybe like 90% of that exam. Only a few kanji and a few sentences killed me - the rest I was okay with. Well, we'll wait and see. I'm now slightly worried after hearing that the Contemporary Japanese Society essays were very lowly marked - but again I should be okay. I must have been the only one in the year to write about Minamata. I've given up on grades now. They are a waste of time. I think after the hardship of doing this degree, the element is not on the grade but seeing it through to the end.

After my exam, a few of us got drunk at Bar One. I ended up drinking three pints of cider in a row, resulting in me getting slightly sloshed by 1.30pm. The rest of my classmates also carried on drinking until I saw them again at around 7 ish - completely rat arsed. Anywhoo... I couldn't have carried on because I had a date with girlwhohappenstobemyfriend at a fancy Spanish restaurant. In total, the night cost me about £50. I think she has squarely given up on attempting to pay halves with me. That's not how I roll. Its spoil the girl all the way with me.

She also got slightly drunk after I mentioned that drinking a Koppaberg doesn't come in half pints and we were forced to leave Interval at around 11.30pm, resulting in a quick downing scenario. On a petite Japanese girl that's not good. On the way back to her flat, she came out with the classic "I wanna keep drinking but I'll get sick. I'm tired... I wanna..." *stops outside a pub we passed* *long stare* I can't believe I've met a girl who happens to love alcohol more than I do. Tbh, I think after another one I would have had to carry her home. Hahaha. I'm gonna miss her when she leaves in about two weeks. *sobs*

Anyways, I'm off home tomorrow for a week to enjoy some PS3 on my HDTV, so I need to get packing and also buy a new pair of trousers after I tore coming home last night a bit drunk. Nicely played Rich, nicely played.