Exam on Thursday. 9am. Feel a bit better than last semester, as the content was a huge shock and they didn't really prepare us for it. This semester, we have been told the contents of the exam, and now its just up to us to fail it spectacularly. Its basically three sections, a translation from Jap to Eng (probably easy enough - I thought the mock one we did was easy - well easy enough until I realised we had 20 minutes to do it!!!) a newspaper comprehension about what I assume will be dying communities in Japan (so called 集落 - or is that some type of food?) and some statistics bullshit we have to write about. My penis is tingling at the very prospect! I may just cum a little when I ebb out the words (この結果から、いなぎのぼりの現象が見える。)
I still feel slightly 'tepid' about the newspaper section of the exam. However, considering I spent way too much time on other two sections and ran through the section without reading it last time, I feel a lot more prepared than in January. I know exactly what I will do this time. However, I can't shake the feeling as if I'm sitting here miswriting kanji and vocab - I'm gonna fuck something up good and proper. Hell it wouldn't be a Japanese exam if it didn't. Well, my Japanese is doing okay even if I'm forgetting words and kanji quicker than I can learn them (doing the joyo over the summer seems mildly impossible but what the hell - life is fun! lol)
Meh. I'll be so glad when I finish these stupid exams and get to spend some free time with girlwhohappenstobemyfriend (whose birthday it is tomorrow and whose going to get a lovely unexpected surprise when she wakes up tomorrow. :-p)
Well, I've been in a state of constant boredom on this course since February. Ah well. I'm not the only one. No-one is really looking forward to this exam - and those that are, deserve to commit seppuku on the stairs of the Arts Tower (see what I did there?)
I'm going cook myself a nice big meal tomorrow night - some rice and chicken fajitas (yum!) washed down with some cola maybe. Yay!! Just not gotta think too much about this exam.
Jaa ne.
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