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I'd like to blog about something interesting, but the reality is that life is inherently mundane right now and I generally have nothing to talk about. I went to Tuesday Club with two of my friends last night, got a bit drunk and missed my two lectures this morning. This means, over the past few weeks I have missed more lectures than I have in the entirety of my time in Sheffield up until that point.

The fact is, there is very little new things we are doing and everything is merely exam preparation. I am finding most of the classes really, really tedious - and would prefer to sit in the library revising - seeing as I have next to no time to revise once all the lessons end.

For my classical Japanese module - I just have to finish off a translation - which I have pretty much done (about 90%) and this is due in 12 days I think. Off to the library tomorrow both to redo it (that is to say, keep going over it until it all makes sense) and then start revising for my Japanese language exam - and maybe sneak in some Contemp reading as well. With luck, I should have a very productive weekend.

But as you can imagine, its all incredibly boring - I feel both prepared and unprepared for this exam at the same time. Something tells me there is going to be a nasty little surprise when I open the paper up, 3 weeks from today. I know the material, but I think my Achilles heel (that is to say my essay writing techniques in both Japanese and English) will kill me. The very most I can do is try to remember these grammatical structures. I am aiming for a 2.1 - despite the disaster of the last one - but I will gladly take a pass beyond anything.

The driving force for me passing these exams has just increased, now that I have discovered the most amazing girl ever. It seems bizarre, but I actually have made (sorry 'we' have made) the conscious decision to not see each other for a while. Its partly due to my time constraints - but also the fact that I just want to focus on my exams and get them done - so we can be together next year. I'd sacrifice a few weeks for the sake of a relationship that could go on for years or even a lifetime, you know? Besides, when I don't see her for a while, I certainly feel more attracted to her. Also, she is leaving the country and I won't see her for just over 2 months after June - so this is going to be quite difficult and of course needs some practice to get used to.

Ah... love.... exams... stress....

Such a bizarre, schizophrenic, Kafkaesque time in Sheffield right now. Tomorrow will signal the marker of 3 weeks. Just 3 weeks, 21 days if you will. When the sky shall turn black and shall only be lightened up seeing her straight after it.