I'm normally wide awake on Mondays. However after Nagai sensei's class even the lure of warm coffee couldn't keep me awake and I ended up slumping on my bed and had a quick power nap before I woke up in a daze, believing I had slept in and then rushed off to uni to go learn about Japan's Minorities with the semi-legend that is MC Sick Riddles. Perhaps it was the fact they ran out of those delicious bacon and egg sarnies you can buy in Tesco on west street and which I seem to buy everyday as brunch alongside my morning coffee. It knocked me off my balance and the chicken sandwich was clearly not ample replacement.
Anyways, our flat at Rockingham House was subject to a mandatory inspection today to make sure we are keeping the place clean. So after hours of scrubbing and scrubbing on Sunday night (well 30 minutes.) We passed the inspection with flying colours. Well actually, I was really dishearted by the fact that we were only awarded 'OK' for the state of our kitchen desktop but 'Good' for our furniture and coffee table etc... The fact our only 'clean' flatmate is still in Reading explains the semi-derelict state of living room and kitchen in the past few weeks.
Because of my nap, I launched myself towards the Arts Tower a bit early, before buying some colour pens (more on this later) and then decided to spent 20 minutes taking photos with my mobile phone. Oh the joys too. I didn't know the quality was that good (not bad for 1.6 mega pixels!) Here is the highlight of that journey with yours truly looking really interested about his lecture on Burakumin.
Later in the day I also discovered that I need another injection before I go to Japan, bringing the grand total up to 6. (!!!!) My exam is just under 7 weeks or so away and I feel really unprepared and really shitty about my Japanese ability - especially my speaking, which has gotten worse despite the benefits of having Japanese people around me 24/7...
Oh well, onwards and upwards. My essays are done and things are going okay in my life right now. Except this vulture of japanese doom circling my head everyday I look up.
Right I'm off to memorise these kanji compounds. I've got a feeling some funny bastard is going to choose 性欲 (lust, passion etc) just to annoy me.
Labels: arts tower, exams, japanese, japans minorities, rockingham house, sheffield
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