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My flatmate is now back and the set is complete. The flat is now at its full complement and Sheffield is struggling to handle us. ven though the flat holds 4, we have an extra Chinese person living with us for some unknown reason. However they are both quiet and clean - it its no real problem for us.

Now according to my recently moved in Japanese flatmate, he has some information on a year abroad student from Japan. According to one of my friends last year who was from Keio, supposedly one of the two girls coming from that uni on an exchange to Sheffield is hot. Hmmm. Calm down Rich, calm down. The problem is, that this information comes from a dubious source, as the person in question has a bizarre rating of women. And also, what's hot and cute for a Japanese person is not necessarily the same for an English person. The amount of times, I've had people say the girls I've fancied in Japan are only midly attractive by Japanese people is either jealously or presumably a kernel of truth wrapped in there somewhere. Bah! Less competition I say!

Hahaha. Still its going to be fun finding out - and I least I have a few conversation starters somewhere. Oh, you're from Keio - you must know X-san and Y-san then? Yeah they are my best friends etc etc...